(Notice) A postdoctoral associate position is available in the CMBL at PNU. A Ph.D. in biological or related sciences is required, and a strong training background in molecular biology, cell biology and/or molecular cloning is preferred.
2025. 01.10 [소식] Congratulations ! Our work has been published in Mol Cells.
2025. 01.21 [소식] 송찬희(석사과정) 제59차 한국세포생물학회 우수포스터상 수상!
2025. 01.21 [소식] 한기석(석박통합과정) 제59차 한국세포생물학회 우수포스터상 수상!
2024. 12.05 [소식] 한기석(석박통합과정) 2024년도 한국통합생물학회 우수포스터상 수상!
2024. 11.26 [소식] 한기석(석박통합과정) 2024년도 한국현미경학회 우수포스터상 수상!
2024. 11.30 [소식] Congratulations ! Kiseok's invited mini review paper has been published in BMB Reports.
**2024. 10.22. [소식] 한빛사 논문 등재-한기석 & 김태진(부산대학교)>BRIC (ibric.org)
2024. 10.04 [소식] Congratulations! Kiseok's paper has been accepted in Advanced Science (IF=14.3)
2024. 09.12 [소식] Congratulations! Our collaborative work has been publisehd in JMC (JCR=5.56%).
2024. 08.09 [소식] Congratulations! Minji's first paper has been accepted in ACS.
**2024. 03.12. [소식] 한빛사 논문 등재- 최규호 & 김태진 (부산대학교) > BRIC (ibric.org)
2024. 02.15 [소식] Gyuho Choi's paper is accepted in Biomaterials Research (IF=11.3)
2024. 01.30 [소식] 서정수(박사과정), 안상현(박사과정) 2023년도 GRAND-PNU Day, BK21우수논문상 수상!
2023. 12.05 [소식] KSBMB Webzine 1월호 우수논문소개 - TAUCON & TAUCOM
2023. 10.18 [소식] 서정수(박사과정생) 2023년 한국유전학회 Best Research Presentation Award 수상!
2023. 08.23 [소식] 서정수(박사과정생) 2023년 한국세포생물학회 우수포스터상 수상!
**2023. 08.07. [소식] 한빛사 논문 등록- 안상현 & 김태진 (부산대학교) > BRIC (ibric.org)
2023. 07.13 Congratulations! Sanghyun's TAU sensor paper is accepted in Biosensors and Bioelectronics (IF=12.6)
2023. 06.12 [소식] 서정수(박사과정생) 2023년도 자연과학대학 학술상 수상!
2023. 03.31. [소식] 서정수(박사과정생) 2023년도 한국생체재료학회 우수논문발표상 수상!
2023. 03.31. [소식] 삼성바이오에피스 대학원생 연구노트경진대회 한기석(최우수상), 최규호(우수상) 수상!
2023. 03.13. our DSB sensor is highlighted in EurekAlert.org sponsored by AAAS. Pusan National University develops novel bios | EurekAlert!
**2023. 02.20. [소식] 한빛사 논문 등록- 서정수 & 김태진 (부산대학교) > BRIC (ibric.org)
2023. 02.13. Jung-soo's new paper about DSB sensor is accepted in Biomaterials Research (IF=15.863, JCR=3.06%). Congratulations!
2023. 02.06. Sanghyun and Jungsoo's paper is accepted in Bioengineering (IF=5.046). Congratulations!
2022. 12.22 [소식] 서정수 박사과정생 2022년도 한국통합생물학회 우수포스터상 수상. Congratulations!
2022. 11. Dahee joined our lab as a graduate student.
2022. 09. Hu Xiaoqi joined our lab as a graduate student.
2022. 05.17. Congratulations to Heon-Su and Gyu-Ho for the paper accepted by Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology (IF=6.684).
2022. 04.25. Heon-Su's Piezo1 paper has been accepted for publication in Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology (IF=6.684). Many Congratulations!
2022. 03. [축하] 김헌수(석사졸업생)군이 2022년도 9월 가을학기부터 미국 명문 워싱턴 대학교(University of Washington at Seattle)의 Department of Biology 에서 전액장학생(생활비+학비지원)으로 박사과정을 시작하게 되었습니다. Congratulations!
2022. 02.16. [소식] 서정수 박사과정생 2021학년도 "BK21 우수논문상" 수상자로 선정 . Congratulations!
2022. 01.03. Sang-Hyun's paper has been accepted in Pharmaceuticals (IF=5.863). Congratulations!
2022. 01. Yerim Joined the lab as a graduate student !
2021. 11. [소식] 장윤관 박사과정생 2021 한국분자세포생물학회(KSMCB) 에서 우수포스터상(Excellent Poster Award)을 수상! 축하합니다!
2021. 08. Eunhye Joined the lab as a graduate student !
2021. 08. Irina and Yoon-kwan's paper has been accepted in Scientific Reports (Nature.Com). Congratulations!
2021. 06. Prof. Kim's editorial paper has been accepted in Biology (IF: 5.079).
2021. 06.11. [소식] 김헌수 2021 부산대학교 자연과학대학 학술상 수상 !
2021. 05.26. [소식] 서정수 박사과정생 2021 KSBMB Best Research Award 수상 !
2021. 04.16. [소식] 김태진 교수님 대한기계학회 춘계학술대회 바이오공학부문 우수논문상 수상!
2021. 02. Jung-Soo and Heon-su's paper has been accepted in Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical. (IF: 7.1, JCR 3.13%). Congratulations!
2020. 12.17. [소식] 2020 교육부 학술연구지원사업 우수성과 50선 선정. 부총리겸 교육부 장관상 수상!
2020. 10. Heonsu and Jungsoo's paper has been accepted in (NPG) Scientific Reports. Congratulations!
2020. 10. Our Ph.D student Jungsoo has received a ProteomeTech Best Research Award at Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International eConference, 2020. Congratulations !
2020. 09. Dr. Raja's paper has been accepted in Process Biochemistry. Congratulations !
2020. 05. Our lab has been awarded a new grant from the BISTEP.
2020. 03. Dr. Raja's paper has been accepted in Cancers (JCR IF: 6.162). Congratulations!
2020. 02. Our lab has been awarded a new grant from the National Research Foundation (NRF)
2020. 02. Prof. Kim joined the editorial board of Biology (JCR IF: 3.796).
2020. 02. Prof. Kim joined the editorial board of Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences (JCR IF:3.565).
2020. 02. Prof. Kim joined the editorial board of Frontiers in Materials (JCR IF:2.689).
2020. 02. Prof. Tae-Jin Kim joined the editorial board of Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology (JCR IF:5.122).
2019. 12. Prof. Tae-Jin Kim received APSBMS Outstanding Research Award in Shanghai, China.
2019. 12. Suh's paper has been accepted in KIChE. Congrats!
2019. 10. Ahn's paper has been accepted in IJMS. Congrats!
2019. 10. Dr. Ganesan's paper has been accepted in MSEC. Congrats!
2019. 07. Dr. Ganesan's paper has been accpeted in Process Biochemistry. Congratulations !
2019. 06. Jungsoo received a Poster Award at KSBMB International Conference 2019. Congrats !
2018. 12. Our lab has been awarded the PNU Global Star-5 Grant.
2018. 11. Our research paper has been accepted in Advanced Science (IF: 15.804).
2018. 9. Dr. Raja Ganesan joined the lab for his postdoctoral research.
2018. 8. Heon Su and Sanghyun joined the CMBL. Welcome!
2017. 12. Kang and Kim's paper has been accepted in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology. Congrats!
2017. 10. Yoonkwan Jang and Jungsoo Suh joined my lab. Welcome !
2017. 7. Jie's paper has been accepted in Nature Communications (IF: 12.124). Congratulations !
2017. 6.1. Our lab has been awarded a new grant from the National Research Foundation (NRF)
2017. 3.20. Ahn's paper has been accepted in Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) (IF: 5.228). Congratulations !
2017. 3. 16. Dr. Kim's paper has been accepted in Sensor and Actuator B - Chemical (IF: 4.758). Congratulations !
2017. 2. 28. The Cellular Microenvironment and BioImaging Laboratory (CMBL) at Pusan National University has launched.